Подборка полезных выражений на английском

Подборка полезных выражений на английском

 – pros and cons
The advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of something. — за и против; плюсы и минусы; положительные и отрицательные стороны
 – sick and tired
When you are extremely annoyed or frustrated with a person or situation; when you are at the point where you will not tolerate the situation anymore and you might get angry or lose your patience. – сыт по горло
 – short and sweet
When something is very quick and gets directly to the point; it is no longer than it needs to be. In other words, it doesn’t waste time. – коротко и ясно, по существу
 – odds and ends
Various small, unimportant, inexpensive items. – случайные предметы, всякая всячина, хлам
– back and forth
Moving first in one direction then in the other. – туда-сюда, туда и обратно
 – by and large
In general, usually. – в общем, в целом
 – wear and tear
The damage to something that happens gradually over time from regularly using it. – износ, амортизация
 – safe and sound
Not in danger and not injured in any way. — целый и невредимый; в целости и сохранности
 – sooner or later
Something will definitely happen, although we don’t know exactly when. — в конце концов, рано или поздно
– ups and downs
Alternating periods of things going well and things going badly. — взлёты и падения; превратности судьбы
— more or less
approximately; almost — более или менее
 — hustle and bustle
a lot of noisy activity caused by people, usually in cities- суета; шум; суматоха
 — step by step
To do something methodically, one step at a time — шаг за шагом
 -part and parcel — неотъемлемая часть
— skin and bone
To be very thin; to look underfed — кожа да кости

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